Author: Leah Schultz-Bartlett

Does Beach Court teach a second language?

Yes! Our Spanish-speakers learn English and our English-speakers Spanish! We instruct in a second language for all students every day!

FREE Discovery Link Before and After School Care coming to Beach Court! Registration Now Open!

Beach Court is excited to announce Discovery Link before and after school care, along with our amazing after-school enrichments, starting this coming school year (23/24)! The even better news is it will be FREE for all Beach Court Pre-K-5th gradeContinue Reading

Innovation Plan

We have been busy at work since September revising our Innovation Plan. Our staff, and CSC, will be voting our plan ten days from today.

Innovation Plan Renewal Parent Information Session and Q and A

Click here for our presentation

Beach Court Innovation Plan Parent Survey Results

Thank you for your feedback! We are excited to incorporate this feedback into our 23/24 school year schedule and plans! Click here for survey responses

Interested in enrolling in ECE 3 or 4 for the 23/24 school year!

Click here for how to enroll!

Interested in Beach Court?

Join us for a school tour! Every Friday, we will host tours each Friday from 8:30-9:30 beginning Nov. 11th. Call 720-424-9470 to reserve a spot! Hope to see you soon!

As the weather begins to change, here is the new DPS Inclement Weather Policy.

Back to School Night Principal Presentation

Here is a copy of Mrs. Bartlett and Ms. Nancy’s Parent Info and Title 1 presentation. Click here to view the presentation

Back to School Popsicle

Come meet your teacher and classmates at our Annual Back to School Popsicle on August 19th from 4-5pm on our blacktop!

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