Category: News

Back to School Night Principal Presentation

Here is a copy of Mrs. Bartlett and Ms. Nancy’s Parent Info and Title 1 presentation. Click here to view the presentation

Back to School Popsicle

Come meet your teacher and classmates at our Annual Back to School Popsicle on August 19th from 4-5pm on our blacktop!

Beach Court is a Distinguished Whole Child School!

Beach Court is recognized as a Distinguished Whole Child School for the 2021-2022 school year! The schools represent a variety of student populations and regions from ECE through high school and have demonstrated a commitment to the Focus Areas ofContinue Reading

Interested in a School Tour?

Join us Friday, May 6th, at 9:00 to tour our amazing school! Call Liz in the Main Office at 720-424-9470 to reserve your spot!

How does Beach Court compare to surrounding schools?

Beach Court outperforms its neighboring schools! Click here for more information on how Beach Court compares! Beach Court was rated GREEN on the State Report Card and Yellow on the DPS Report Card. The State revised their color to matchContinue Reading

Take a virtual look inside our school!

Due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to bring parents and visitors inside to see our amazing school, so we have created a virtual tour of our building! Enjoy!Click here to see our school

Beach Court is a Title 1 School!

What is a Title 1 School? Click here for more information. English Spanish Have a question about Title 1? Leave it here.

Interested in Beach Court for the 22/23 school year?

Join us for a Virtual Open House on January 31st from 9:00-9:30 am and February 3rd from 3:30-4:00! Join us here Click here for the link Click here for a preview of the tour!

Should I send my child to school?

Here is a document to help you decide if your child should come to school, or stay home, when feeling ill or if there has been a Covid exposure. Your student has the following Illness symptom(s):❏ Feeling feverish, having chills,Continue Reading

Health and Safety Protocols

Click here for more information on our health and safety protocols for our return to school. English Spanish

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