Beach Court features a strong focus on oral language development – building the thinking, knowledge and skills needed for effective verbal communication in both literacy and math through an emphasis on PEBCs Thinking Strategies.
Beginning Fall 2020, Beach Court will be implementing a systematic phonics program Grades K-3. We are using Benchmark Adelante and Benchmark Advanced for all K-5th grade classes beginning in the 23/24 school year. Both programs include whole group and small group instruction as well as decodable texts and ongoing assessment and a STEAM centered focus.
Our literacy and math classes use a workshop model that includes whole-group and small-group instruction as well as independent learning and peer collaboration.
Beach Court is proud to have inquiry-based learning units for English Language Arts/Humanities for all classrooms. ECE is supported by Tools of the Mind and grades K-5 by the Workshop Model and Benchmark Advanced and Adelante. All units connect to real world concepts, STEAM and are centered around an Essential Question.
For example, in K/1: How do we learn about the world around us? Where is the Arctic? Why are the adaptations different and why are they needed? Why do animals change depending on where they live?
2/3rd: How do authors use characters, dialogue and details to effectively convey their ideas to their readers? How do author’s capture a reader’s imagination?
4/5th: How do simple machines impact our lives? How do readers and writers form and support opinions? How do I determine the best simple machine for a specific task?
Fluid small groups to meet each child’s individual literacy needs during a one-hour differentiated daily skills block including acceleration and intervention.
Daily personalized independent reading for all students using Accelerated Reader.
Project-based learning units during literacy, science and social sciences.
Beach Court uses IM (Illustrative) Math. IM is a Common-Core aligned problem-based program. The curriculum focuses on developing students’ deep understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills and ability to solve complex and novel problems. IM blends direct instruction, structured investigation and open exploration.
Differentiated instruction (Intervention and Acceleration) in math and literacy skills through accelerated units of study, Zearn Math, Benchmark extensions/interventions, Exemplars, Really Great Reading, iStation and Esperanza reading.