Should I send my child to school?

Posted September 1, 2021

Here is a document to help you decide if your child should come to school, or stay home, when feeling ill or if there has been a Covid exposure.

Your student has the following Illness symptom(s):
❏ Feeling feverish, having chills, or temperature 100.4°F or higher
❏ New or unexplained persistent cough
❏ Shortness of breath or Difficulty breathing
❏ New loss of taste or smell
❏ Fatigue
❏ Muscle aches
❏ Headache
❏ Sore throat
❏ Nausea or vomiting
❏ Diarrhea
❏ Runny nose or congestion
❏ Other ___________
When can my student come back to school?
❏ When your student has been symptom free (they do not have any of the above symptoms) for at
least 24 hours without the use of medicine like Advil® or Motrin® (Ibuprofen) or TYLENOL®
❏ If your student’s illness lasts longer than 48 hours, they may return on ______, as
long as they have been symptom free (they do not have any of the above symptoms) for at least 24
hours without the use of medicine like Advil® or Motrin® (Ibuprofen) or TYLENOL®
❏ Students may NOT return to school while they are waiting for test results. Please contact your
school when you have the results for more details on when they may return.
❏ Your student may return to school if there is a known medical diagnosis to explain symptoms.
The Denver Health school based health clinics services offered may include telehealth options, mental health
services and more. Get more information or make an appointment by calling the School Based Health Clinic
Information Line at 303-602-8958.